Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences



Purpose: To determine the proportion of patients who would benefit from low vision aids and their preferences for these devices in the eye clinic of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku-Ozalla, Nigeria


This was a prospective cross-sectional study of all new consecutive low vision patients seen at the hospital within the study duration of 12 months. All patients with low vision were evaluated by the researcher and the findings entered on a research protocol. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics to generate frequency and percentage distributions. Analytical statistics was employed to test for significance of observed inter-group differences. Statistical significance was indicated by p < 0.05.


A total of 197 patients were seen comprising of 120 males and 77 females (M: F = 1.6:1), mean age was 39.3 ± 22.9 SD years. From the study, 114 (57.9%) of the patients would benefit from optical low vision aids while 83 (42.1%) would benefit from non-optical low vision devices. In the group that had improvement with optical aids, 38.2 % required only telescopes, 14.5% benefited from magnifiers alone, and 32.8% required both telescopes and magnifiers. The remainder, 14.5%, required both optical and non optical devices like face caps, antiglare glasses, and table lamps. Majority of patients who preferred magnifiers wanted either spectacle borne (41.4%) or handheld (39.0%). Most of the patients who chose telescopes wanted spectacle borne (71.4%).

Conclusion: Majority of patients in this survey preferred either spectacle borne magnifiers or telescopes.

Keywords: Low vision, Preference, Nigeria

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    Publication of 3rd edition of the Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences

    This 3rd Volume of the Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences is out with a bang. An Orthopaedic article is featured along with original articles from the fields of Ophthalmology and General surgery.

    As is consistent with the policy of the Journal, each published article provides unique valuable clinical and scientific information on the respective subjects presented.

    Future issues of the Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences would be featuring quality articles from the wider fields of Anaesthesia, Pathology, Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), Radiology, Plastic surgery, Neurosurgery and Gynaecology.

    Thanks for your interest in the Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences (eISSN: 2971-625X & ISSN: 2734-3138)

  • 2 Dec 2021
    Publication of 2nd edition of the Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences

    The department of surgery of the Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital (COOUTH), Awka, Nigeria is pleased to publish this 2nd edition of the Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences.


    The foremost aspiration of the editorial team is to publish quality peer reviewed articles that meet international standards at a minimum frequency of once per year in the select specialties and this volume has met that commitment. This volume contains articles of great importance particularly to the Ophthal-mologists and Surgeons.


  • 26 Mar 2020
    Publication of Maiden Edition of the Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences March 2020 Vol.1, No.1

    The Maiden Edition of the Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences Was Published on Wednesday 25th March 2020.

    Hard Copies are now available at 1,000 per copy (or its USD $ equivalent) payable at site of collection at the Department of Surgery Office, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University Teaching Hospital (COOUTH) Awka, Nigeria or into the Journal bank account with the following details:

    Bank - Zenith bank; Account Number: 1016472847; Account Name: COOUTH - The Orient Journal of Surgical Sciences.


    The Editorial Board is also calling on all prospective Authors for the submission of new articles towards the 2nd issue scheduled for publication in September 2020.